Summer 2024 1st half

The children have enjoyed an exciting start to the term in English.  We have been reading the text, The Iron Man written by Ted Hughes. The children created wanted posters based upon their knowledge and understanding of events in the story. The children’s posters included adjectives and figurative language in order to describe Iron Man in an interesting and engaging way. We then progressed to focusing on the elements of narrative writing and the children have been busy writing their own resolutions and endings, continuing the Iron Man story from one of the main events in the story.  This half term we will also be exploring persuasive letter writing. This text type will also be linked to The Iron Man text, as well as, our learning in Geography and our locality. Towards the end of the half term, we will be writing our own newspaper reports.

Our learning this term is focused around our Iron Man theme.  We have used this theme to ignite our Science learning.  We will be learning about forces and magnets.  This will include many investigations regarding friction, contact forces and non-contact forces.  After half term we will be moving on to learn all about light and shadow.  In History, we are continuing with our learning about prehistoric Britain.  We have started learning all about the Celts in the Iron Age.  We are very much looking forward to our visit to Celtic Harmony to further find out about life from the Stone Age to the Iron Age.  In our DT learning, we have used our knowledge of the Eat Well Plate to create our own healthy sandwich.  We will be learning how to chop, grate and spread as we create our own delicious sandwich snack!

In Maths this term we have begun by exploring fractions and have deepened our understanding of what fractions are. In our exploration of fractions we have looked at tenths, put fractions on a number line, calculated fractions of amounts, found equivalent fractions, and much more. We are beginning to learn about time, we will cover telling the time to 5 minutes and to the minute, 24 hour clock and finding durations. To help us with our time topic it would be really beneficial if time was being taught at home too (this could be as simple as asking your child to read the time from your watch!).  After time we move on to exploring angles and shape (and the link between the two). We end the year by looking at Pictograms.